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La politique de Napoléon et les écrivains basques

Peillen Karrikaburu, Txomin (2009) La politique de Napoléon et les écrivains basques. Inx: Les origines du constitutionnalisme et la Constitution de Bayonne du 7 juillet 1808. RIEV Cuadernos (4). Eusko Ikaskuntza, pp. 347-363. ISBN 978-84-8419-179-7

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Official URL: http://www.euskomedia.org/analitica/15576


Very catholic people, Basque country's clerical poets were grateful for the restoration of the Church by Bonaparte, but situated in the boarder of Spain, Basque country suffered of Napoléon wars: Wellington and Soult fighting in the country, Basques suffered an exodus in hostile gascon neighbours, and returning home found their houses, often, destroyed, therefore Basque popular poets wrote against Napoléon.

Item Type:Book Section
Additional Information:Maïté Lafourcade ed.
Uncontrolled Keywords:Ciencias Políticas; Derecho
Subjects:Political Science > Policy sciences
Juridical Science and Law
ID Code:7571
Last Modified:11 May 2011 16:46

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