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About hedatuz-dev

Hedatuz, created by the Euskomedia Fundazioa, aims to place at the disposal of Basque society all the magazine articles and monographic and specialist works published by Eusko Ikaskuntza since the year 1918, as well as the issues published by RIEV since 1907.

The collection encompasses over 5,000 articles with access to the complete text, focusing on an extraordinarily broad range of topics and issues. Most common are those related to history, anthropology and the arts, followed by political science, sociology and linguistics. It is possible for users to subscribe only to those specific contents that most interest them, thanks to content syndication formats such as ATOM and RSS. Similarly, they may export their consultations to different metadata formats such as ASCII Citation, BibTeX, DublĂ­n Core, EP3 XML, EndNote, METS, MODS, OpenURL ContextObject, Refer and Reference Manager.

The Euskomedia Foundation was set up by Eusko Ikaskuntza-Society for Basque Studies on 18 February 2002, with the aim of fostering and developing the dissemination (through networks and other digital means) of the cultural and scientific contents established by either the EI-SBS itself or third parties, which may be of interest within the cultural, social, business or educational fields or which might promote the comprehensive development of Basque society and improve its knowledge base.

Although at the time of its launch the project's contents referred only to a single organisation, Eusko Ikaskuntza, it was nevertheless set up with the clear objective of fostering inter-institutional relations and an interdisciplinary approach, and its doors are open to all initiatives wishing to participate in the project who share our fervent desire to "facilitate the consultation of digital resources and, in general, bibliographic materials related to Basque culture and science".

This site is powered by EPrints 3, free software developed by the University of Southampton.

Contact Information

Any correspondence concerning this specific repository should be sent to eprints@euskomedia.org.