El Almirante Mazarredo, ilustrado y afrancesadoDezcallar Mazarredo, Rafael (2009) El Almirante Mazarredo, ilustrado y afrancesado. Inx: Les origines du constitutionnalisme et la Constitution de Bayonne du 7 juillet 1808. RIEV Cuadernos (4). Eusko Ikaskuntza, pp. 223-232. ISBN 978-84-8419-179-7
Official URL: http://www.euskomedia.org/analitica/15570 AbstractAdmiral Mazarredo was one of the most illustrious sailors of his times. He defeated Nelson in his attempt to take Cadiz and he negotiated for over a year with Napoleon in Paris on the missions of the Franco-Spanish fleet. He was dismissed by Godoy, and for this reason he did not take part in the Battle of Trafalgar. He accepted the designation as Minister of the Navy in Joseph Bonaparte's government. He died in exile.
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