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Euskararen jaekuntza Nafarroako inmertsio programa batean

SOTÉS, Pablo (2000) Euskararen jaekuntza Nafarroako inmertsio programa batean. Inx: Kode bereizketa eta bateraketa eremu urriko hizkuntzarekiko elebitaun goiztiarrean. Ikastaria. Cuadernos de Educación (12). Eusko Ikaskuntza, pp. 155-176. ISBN 84-8419-966-5

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Official URL: http://www.euskomedia.org/analitica/6036


This article analyses the learning and use of Basque as a second language (L2) in Spanish speakers beginning an immersion programme in Navarre. The only exposure of learners to Basque is in the school context where the language is used as the medium of communication and content instruction. This study is set within the theoretical framework which presupposes that the discourse, jointly constructed by the teacher (native speaker) and the students (learners), is responsible for L2 learning. The main aim of this study consists in identifying the learning processes (social, linguistic and cognitive) of L2 and the strategies ( learning, communicative and social) applied by the learner when faced with the new language in a context of instruction and evidence of individual differences.

Item Type:Book Section
Additional Information:Continuación de Cuadernos de Sección. Educación
Uncontrolled Keywords:Euskara; Educación; Navarra
Subjects:Anthropology > Ethnography and Ethnology
Pedagogy > Educational theory and methods
ID Code:6775
Last Modified:11 May 2011 16:40

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