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Euskara irakasteko metodologiaren bilakaera

BILBATUA, Mariam (2000) Euskara irakasteko metodologiaren bilakaera. Inx: Nuevos caminos para la enseñanza plurilingüe = Hezkuntza eleaniztunerako bide berriak = Nouvelles voies pour l'enseignement plurilingue. Ikastaria. Cuadernos de Educación (11). Eusko Ikaskuntza, pp. 161-173. ISBN 84-8419-984-3

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Official URL: http://www.euskomedia.org/analitica/6022


The author analyses the evolution of the various approaches in the teaching of the Basque language L2 in school contexts. In the first part, the author exposes the criteria used in the analysis and comparison of methods. The criteria are distributed in three levels: the level of fundaments, the level of decision and the level of performance. In each one of these levels we find different types of options that we use to characterise the various methodological options adopted for the teaching of Basque and their evolution with the passage of time. In the second part, based on such criteria, the materials used for the teaching of Basque L2 are characterised and classified in school contexts.

Item Type:Book Section
Additional Information:Continuación de Cuadernos de Sección. Educación
Uncontrolled Keywords:Educación; Euskara
Subjects:Pedagogy > Educational theory and methods
Anthropology > Ethnography and Ethnology
ID Code:6761
Last Modified:11 May 2011 16:39

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