Evolución histórica de la educación física en España y en el País VascoGranja Pascual, José Javier and Sainz Varona, Rosa María (1992) Evolución histórica de la educación física en España y en el País Vasco. Inx: La educación física en el País Vasco. Cuadernos de Sección. Educación (5). Eusko Ikaskuntza, pp. 49-67. ISBN 84-87471-43-9
Official URL: http://www.euskomedia.org/analitica/245 AbstractIn Spain the efforts to bring physical education (E.F) to schools have been unsuccessful. Neither the Law Moyano of Public Instruction (1857), nor the Law of Primary Instruction, June 2, 1868 admitted it as a school subject. Not until 1879 would physical education at schools be taken into consideration, and this was so, because of the introduction in 1882 of the concept brought by Indoor Activities used by the University Schools of teachers (Primary) which promoted the introduction of such activities in the schools with the recomendation of doing open-air activities. There are few differential marks in the physical education taught at school in the Basque Country and they are always followed, except for some historical events, the rules and advise suggested by the government of the nation. The developement of certain legal regulations created by the government of Basque Country did not become the until during the civil war. The Ministery of Justice and Culture of the Basque Country published the ordainance, January 7, 1937, which established that physical education was to be taught in every school in the Basque Country. The progressive specialization of methods and teachers has gained physical education a most important position within culture and education, which is nothing out of ordinary owing to the custom that society has been acquiring lately, i.e., body care which gains fans according to enjoying spare time and work liberatization
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