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Zerbitzu publikoen kontzeptua eta kudeaketa

SARASOLA GORRITI, Silbia (2003) Zerbitzu publikoen kontzeptua eta kudeaketa. Eleria. Testuak (3). Eusko Ikaskuntza, pp. 5-40. ISBN 84-8419-920-7

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Official URL: http://www.euskomedia.org/analitica/10982


The objective of the present work is to examine the concept and offer of public services, one of the most important institutions in Administrative Law. In fact, the appearance and transformation of this field of Law has taken place at the same time as the development and expansion of public services. This is a very interesting topic as it is front-page news and provides us with the opportunity to divulge other institutions of Administrative Law, such as the difference between grants and permits, the influence of European community law in the economic activity of public administration, in municipal organisations, etc.

Item Type:Book
Uncontrolled Keywords:Derecho; Zuzenbidea; Droit; Law
Subjects:Juridical Science and Law
ID Code:6545
Last Modified:11 May 2011 16:38

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