Euskara Euskal Administrazioetan; erabilera arautzeari aurpegi emateko bideakERKOREKA GERVASIO, Josu (1996) Euskara Euskal Administrazioetan; erabilera arautzeari aurpegi emateko bideak. Eleria: Euskalerriko Legelarien Aldizkaria . pp. 35-54. ISSN 1137-1951
Official URL: AbstractThe work deals with some reflections about the use of the languages in the public administrations. After having verified the fact that most of the Basque administrative organizations lack of a regulation that orders the internal use of the co-official languages -according to what is shown by the work, is a source of no a few problems-, some of the most spread ambiguities in the matter are explained and the diferent models, that could be assumed by a hypothetical rule which would tried to establish the system use of the languages in the intra-administrative scope, ilustrating each of them with real exampls taken from the Comparative Law.
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