Ante el terrorismo, profundización democráticaJiménez Villarejo, Carlos (2008) Ante el terrorismo, profundización democrática. Azpilcueta. Cuadernos de Derecho (20). pp. 181-198. ISSN 1138-8552
Official URL: AbstractAs from the ascertainment of terrorism as an ever more internationalised phenomenon, this exhibition analyses the risks for democracy represented by the forms of confronting it that endanger the regime of rights and guarantees, and that in practice extend a certain "state of exception". From this perspective, this analysis will focus on the penal reforms introduced in 2003 and still currently maintained in the judicial response in various levels, from the criteria for interpreting laws to the position on the process of execution of the sentences imposed on people convicted for crimes of terrorism and, finally, a study on the Law on Political Parties and its judicial application.
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