Consideraciones en torno al Concierto Económico VascoJOVER, Pascual (2002) Consideraciones en torno al Concierto Económico Vasco. Inx: Concierto y Convenio Económico: Jornadas de Estudio. Azpilcueta. Cuadernos de Derecho (18). Eusko Ikaskuntza, pp. 325-337. ISBN 84-8419-900-2
Official URL: AbstractThe Settlement is a key element of Basque autonomy. Its suppression would be a political fiction, which would be unintelligible from both a functional or a political point of view. It is not possible to conceive the Statute without the Settlement. This is a covenanted system, a fundamental element that goes beyond a system of decentralisation, producing the substitution of the State Taxation Authority by Statutory Taxation Authorities. The Statutory Territories have the competencies to regulate their own tax system that does not necessarily have to be identical to that of the State. Finally, it establishes a system of autonomy and fiscal responsibility. It is necessary to carry out an effort to explain the Economic Settlement in the European Union.
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