La insuficiencia de las formas de participación autonómica en los asuntos europeosBUSTOS GISBERT, Rafael (2001) La insuficiencia de las formas de participación autonómica en los asuntos europeos. Inx: Estudios sobre regionalismo en la Unión Europea. Azpilcueta. Cuadernos de Derecho (16). Eusko Ikaskuntza, pp. 181-195. ISBN 84-8419-935-5
Official URL: AbstractThis study is intended to make a summary description of the system of autonomic participation in European matters, and especially the evolution of such formulas of participation until getting to the Internal Participation Agreement of the Autonomous Communities in European matters. The author notes, finally, the problems outlined by this system and the proposals for their reform. Concretely, the need for a direct participation and the convenience of involving the Parliaments in the internal process of decision-making in European matters.
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