Principio de subsidiariedad y regionalismo en la Unión EuropeaCORRIENTE CÓRDOBA, José A. (2001) Principio de subsidiariedad y regionalismo en la Unión Europea. Inx: Estudios sobre regionalismo en la Unión Europea. Azpilcueta. Cuadernos de Derecho (16). Eusko Ikaskuntza, pp. 77-104. ISBN 84-8419-935-5
Official URL: AbstractCurrent State of the political concept of State. The European Union confronts the challenge of finding its own political form. The role that the principle of subsidiarity can play in the reasonable and useful setting up and operation, of administrative and political organisations. Appearance and evolution of the principle of subsidiarity in the treaties of Maastricht and Amsterdam (Subsidiarity and regulation of the exercise of responsibilities. Principles of speciality and proportionality. Jurisdictional guarantee). Lines of concretion.
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