Preguntas y respuestas sobre el Derecho internacional privado del MercosurFERNÁNDEZ ARROYO, Diego P. (1999) Preguntas y respuestas sobre el Derecho internacional privado del Mercosur. Inx: Jornadas sobre derecho del Mercosur: un modelo de integración paralelo. Azpilcueta. Cuadernos de Derecho (14). Eusko Ikaskuntza, pp. 39-53. ISBN 84-8419-983-5
Official URL: AbstractShortly after the constitution of Mercosur, in 1991, private international Law has occupied a preponderant place in its legislative activity. The proliferation of procedures on all the matters of private international Law (international judicial competence, recognition and execution of foreign decisions, international judicial co-operation and international commercial arbitration), both in general and on concrete matters (contracts, contracts signed by consumers, traffic accidents), has deeply modified the regulations involved. In particular, the concurrence of such procedures with other outstanding conventional and state procedures in the Mercosur states poses many problems of interpretation and application. This article offers a series of answers to the legal situation outlined in the private international Law of Mercosur, as an action guide to avoid the emergence of new problems and to allow for the solution of already-existing problems.
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