Estatu eta inbertsiogile pribatuen arteko arbritajeaIruretagoiena Agirrezabalaga, Iñigo (2009) Estatu eta inbertsiogile pribatuen arteko arbritajea. Inx: Forms of Union: the British and Spanish Monarchies in the 17th and 18th Centuries. Eleria: Euskal Herriko Legelarien Aldizkaria (18). Eusko Ikaskuntza, pp. 23-40.
Official URL: AbstractArbitration has become the most usual method to solve conflicts in the field of international investments. Although its origin is international trade arbitration, it nowadays has its own characteristics, so we can talk about another type of arbitration. This report gives a general view about the arbitration between states and private investors, and analyses its development, present characteristics and the legal problems it causes.
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