Qué son y para qué sirven los Derechos HistóricosHERRERO DE MIÑÓN, Miguel (1999) Qué son y para qué sirven los Derechos Históricos. Revista Internacional de los Estudios Vascos = Nazioarteko Eusko Ikaskuntzen Aldizkaria = Revue Internationale des Etudes Basques (44). pp. 309-322. ISSN 0212-7016
Official URL: http://www.euskomedia.org/analitica/8063 AbstractThe First Additional Clause of the Constitution of the State is fully normative and adds something to the Constitution as a whole: the recognition of different political bodies, the legal expression of which is the Historical Rights. The Historical Territories of the Basque Country, the Basque Country itself and Navarre, have Historical Rights to which the Constitution refers, even though it is possible to extend the application of the First Additional Clause of the Constitution of the State to Catalonia and Galicia. The updating of such Historical Rights, to be carried out in a consensual manner, allows us to introduce the concept of co-sovereignty, that is to say, of conditioning of the competent authorities responsibilities on the very fact of having such a competence. This allows for wilful integration within the Constitutional State.
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