La vida civil y mercantil de los vascos a través de sus instituciones jurídicasEchegaray Corta, Bonifacio de (1923) La vida civil y mercantil de los vascos a través de sus instituciones jurídicas. Revista Internacional de los Estudios Vascos = Revue Internationale des Etudes Basques (14). pp. 27-60.
Official URL: AbstractThe book is split into two parts: the household, as the very soul of the Basque Law and its indivisibilityand the mercantile competence of the Basques. The household is so essential for the Basques that it can never be divided. A study of the civil laws that governed in the Basque regions is made. At the same time, a study is made on the importance of the Special Jurisdiction (Fuero) of Donostia-San Sebastián in the history of the Mercantile Law
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