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Les Basques et le droit international

DELZANGLES, René Bernard Pierre (2003) Les Basques et le droit international. Inx: VIIème Congres d'Etudes Basques = Eusko Ikaskuntzaren VII. Kongresua = VII Congreso de Estudios Vascos (7º.1948.Biarritz). Congresos de Estudios Vascos (7). Eusko Ikaskuntza, Donostia-San Sebastián, pp. 3-11. ISBN 84-8419-917-7

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Official URL: http://www.euskomedia.org/analitica/6692


Using the sublime examples devised by Father Vitoria, who was one of the founders of international law, and by Simón Bolivar, the originator of Pan Americanism, René Delzangles, describes the personality of the .Basque Internationalist.. A Basque Internationalist joins the two ferments of internationalism: a boundless love for liberty and their sense of the democracy. He also evokes the Congress of The Hague (May 1948) and praises the construction of a western federalism that the author links to the ideas of the Father Vitoria.

Item Type:Book Section
Additional Information: Tomo I (ISBN 84-8419-931-2) Jean-Claude Larronde ed. lit. Conféreces Générales
Uncontrolled Keywords:Estudios vascos; Derecho
Subjects:Juridical Science and Law
ID Code:2899
Deposited On:03 Oct 2008 16:33
Last Modified:03 Oct 2008 19:20

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