La Escultura renacentista en Navarra y su área de influenciaGarcía Gainza, María Concepción (1998) La Escultura renacentista en Navarra y su área de influencia. Inx: Errenazimenduko Artearen Berrikusketa = Revisión del Arte del Renacimiento = Rèvision de l'Art de la Renaissance. Ondare. Cuadernos de Artes Plásticas y Monumentales (17). Eusko Ikaskuntza, Donostia-San Sebastián, pp. 57-72.
Official URL: AbstractThe development of the sculpture in Navarre along the XVIth century is analised in two phases. The first renaissance phase (1517-1563) is characterized by the disparity of languages and the activity of foreign masters, mainly French and Flemish. The sculpture in Navarre is submitted to a double influence fro Aragon and La Rioja. In the second phase, the sculpture of the Counter-Reformation period, a change in the concept of the religious image and its functionderiving from the Council of Trento can be appreciated. A peak of this sculpture school takes place at this time and Navarra is going to become the difusion center of the Romanism throughout La Rioja, Aragon and the Basque Country
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