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Euskara irratian: gerra aurreko lehenengo urratsak

Díaz Noci, Javier (1992) Euskara irratian: gerra aurreko lehenengo urratsak. Revista Internacional de los Estudios Vascos = Nazioarteko Eusko Ikaskuntzen Aldizkaria = Revue Internationale des Etudes Basques (37). pp. 365-374. ISSN 0212-7016

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Official URL: http://www.euskomedia.org/analitica/1416


Nowadays the radio has got a great communication power and the Basque language forms part of it. The radio in Basque started before the Civil War. Díaz tells us how it was born and the first radio programmes in Basque before and after the war

Item Type:Article
Additional Information:
Uncontrolled Keywords:eu; Basque language
Subjects:History > Specialized histories
ID Code:886
Deposited On:03 Oct 2008 15:25
Last Modified:03 Oct 2008 18:07

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