Genero indarkeriaren aurrean babesteko neurriak jasotzen dituen 1/2004 Lege OrganikoaGARMENDIA YARZA, Koro (2005) Genero indarkeriaren aurrean babesteko neurriak jasotzen dituen 1/2004 Lege Organikoa. Eleria: Euskal Herriko Legelarien Aldizkaria (14). pp. 97-106. ISSN 1137-1951
Official URL: AbstractOn December 2004, the plenary of the Spanish Congress unanimously approved the Organic Law on measures of integral protection against gender violence, with the objective of eradicating something that had effectively alarmed society. The norms introduce novelties which have an incidence in various spheres, including sections on the world of publicity, and the creation of new administrative organs.
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