Saiakera, sail bat beti auzitanCasenave, Jon (2002) Saiakera, sail bat beti auzitan. Inx: Euskal kritika, gaur = La crítica vasca, hoy = La critique basque aujourd'hui. Oihenart. Cuadernos de Lengua y Literatura (19). Eusko Ikaskuntza, Donostia-San Sebastián, pp. 61-68.
Official URL: AbstractAfter the three main literary genders - poetry, narrative, theatre -, the essay appears as a peculiar gender, which is yet to consolidate. But, at the same time, as the open gender it is, it constitutes a very rich section in the creative field. The same as in other peoples, readers have given a good acceptance to this field of Basque literature. Among the books with the most success over the last twenty years there are two outstanding essays: Ni ez naiz hemengoa by J. Sarrionaindia and Euskaldunak eta Espainolak by Joxe Azurmendi.
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