Hondarribia, gizarte-irudikapena eta baxurako arrantzan emandako aldaketakAnduaga Matud, Jaime (2007) Hondarribia, gizarte-irudikapena eta baxurako arrantzan emandako aldaketak. Inx: Cultura y sociedades marítimas: prácticas específicas, sistemas técnicos, sociales y de representación. Zainak. Cuadernos de Antropología-Etnografía (29). Eusko Ikaskuntza, pp. 81-98. ISBN 978-84-8419-133-9
Official URL: AbstractNew social interactions are born when confronting undesired change in an unstable situation. The proposal of this study is that any social reality is endowed with representation. By applying this principle to coastal fishermen, the biggest challenge they face to come out successfully from a situation that is full of contradictions is to maintain the balance between the messages that arrive from Europe and the local cultural patrimony, if we want a personality based on the representation of the corresponding reality to survive.
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