Lanaren inguruko balioak Pasaiako arrantzaleen komunitateanPérez Aldasoro, Pío (2007) Lanaren inguruko balioak Pasaiako arrantzaleen komunitatean. Inx: Cultura y sociedades marítimas: prácticas específicas, sistemas técnicos, sociales y de representación. Zainak. Cuadernos de Antropología-Etnografía (29). Eusko Ikaskuntza, pp. 53-63. ISBN 978-84-8419-133-9
Official URL: AbstractSocial values dominating in the community of fishermen of Pasaia produce various cultural responses to environmental conditionings and to fishing activity itself. Amongst these values we have taken the concept that the fishermen of Pasaia have on their work in their cultural universe, as this provides us with a reflection on the ways of living, their rhythms, their working conditions and of the direct consequences in their work or in work-related accidents.
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