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La tuberculosis

Urkia Etxabe, José María (1992) La tuberculosis. Inx: Euskal medikuntzaren estanpa historikoak = Estampas históricas de la medicina vasca. Cuadernos de Sección. Ciencias Médicas (2). Eusko Ikaskuntza, pp. 139-153. ISBN 84-86240-40-4

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The Tuberculosis endemia is studied in the Basque Country, one of the most shaken areas of the country, with a special incidence in Biscay and Guipúzcoa. The industrialization and the bad healthness and hygienic conditions favoure its breakthrough in these areas. After a short reference to phthisiology in Spain, the situation in Bilbao is approached, by analyzing the important work developed by Dr. Ledo, with the creation of an exemplary Dispensary, which was inaugurated in 1915. Phthisiology in San Sebastián had a great medical personality, Dr. Emiliano Eizaguirre. He was a pioneer in divulging the Fight against Tuberculosis, and he created, for the first time in this country, the "Feast of the Flower", but, above all, he will be remembered for having applied surgery to Tuberculosis treatment. A similar task was performed by Dr. Urrutia from San Sebastián, at the same period, in relation to diseases of the digestive system.

Item Type:Book Section
Additional Information:Euskal Medikuntzaren Historiari buruzko Jardunaldiak
Uncontrolled Keywords:Medicina; Tuberculosis; Eizaguirre, Emiliano; Medicina; Euskal Herria; Bizkaia
Subjects:Medical Sciences
ID Code:7436
Last Modified:11 May 2011 16:45

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