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Reflexiones acerca de la medicina popular

Barriola Irigoyen, Ignacio María (1992) Reflexiones acerca de la medicina popular. Inx: Euskal medikuntzaren estanpa historikoak = Estampas históricas de la medicina vasca. Cuadernos de Sección. Ciencias Médicas (2). Eusko Ikaskuntza, pp. 187-202. ISBN 84-86240-40-4

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Official URL: http://www.euskomedia.org/analitica/3453


Primitive medicine, empirical, takes from antiquity two different directions: the sorcery, and the rather scientific direction, which emerges into the present medicine. Practices of so called popular medicine, with its empirical and magic components, derive from the first direction. Three components represent the plot of the universal phenomenon of quackery: the quacker, the patien and the healing methods essential characteristics are explained and commented in this work. It also takes notes of the increasing loss of its traditional peculiarities, and of its position in favour of new resources which are in vogue. But, as long as there are diseases with a difficult treatment or incurable, quackery of any kind will survive, as an open door to hope.

Item Type:Book Section
Additional Information:Euskal Medikuntzaren Historiari buruzko Jardunaldiak
Uncontrolled Keywords:Medicina
Subjects:Medical Sciences
ID Code:7435
Last Modified:11 May 2011 16:45

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