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Marmota alpetarraren elikadur hautespena Euskal Herriko Pirinioetan

Aldezabal, Arantza and Herrero, Juan and García-Serrano, Alicia and Remón, José Luis and Garín, Inazio (1998) Marmota alpetarraren elikadur hautespena Euskal Herriko Pirinioetan. Naturzale. Cuadernos de Ciencias Naturales (13). pp. 155-196. ISSN 1137-8603

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Foraging behaviour, diet composition and selection of two family groups of alpine marmot (Marmota marmota L.) inhabiting a colony were studied in the Natural Reserve of Larra Belagoa (Pyrenees of Euskal Herria) by two different techniques: the micrographic analysis of faeces and direct observation. Results indicated a clear dominance of forbs in the diet along the activity period, according to the trend described by several authors. Regarding the preferences observed on the marmot diet, some plant families have been positively selected, such as Leguminosae, Liliaceae, Plantaginaceae, Compositae, Gramineae and Umbelliferae. On the other hand, the two techniques used in this study have offered a complementary information about diet composition. We suggest to apply both simultaneously in future researches on feeding habits and nutrition of this animal species.

Item Type:Article
Additional Information:Continuación de cuadernos de Sección. Ciencias Naturales Trabajo de investigación
Uncontrolled Keywords:Elikadur estrategia; Herbiboro karraskaria; Marmota; Stratégie alimentaire; Sciuridé rongeur; Marmotte; Nutritional strategy; Scuiridus rodent; Hamster; Biología
Subjects:Life Sciences
ID Code:7281
Last Modified:11 May 2011 16:44

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