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Jose Antonio Arana Martija eta Euskal Idazleen Elkartea

VÉLEZ DE MENDIZABAL AZKARRAGA, Josemari (2007) Jose Antonio Arana Martija eta Euskal Idazleen Elkartea. Inx: Jose Antonio Arana-Martijari Omenaldia = Homenaje a José Antonio Arana-Martija. Musiker. Cuadernos de Música (15). Eusko Ikaskuntza, pp. 43-52. ISBN 978-84-8419-1414

[img]Jose Antonio Arana Martija eta Euskal Idazleen Elkartea - Requires a PDF viewer such as GSview, Xpdf or Adobe Acrobat Reader

Official URL: http://www.euskomedia.org/analitica/15008


Jose Antonio Arana Martija was very important in the process of the foundation of Euskal Idazleen Elkartea (the Association of Writers in the Basque Language). He was the provisional secretary, he promoted the incorporation of Basque writers to the association which would be definitely constituted in 1983 in accordance with the legislation in force in the Spanish state. When working in the various sections of EIE, bien either on behalf of Euskaltzaindia or in his personal capacity, Arana Martija always did so with utmost professionalism.

Item Type:Book Section
Additional Information:Continuación de Cuadernos de Sección. Música Jon Bagüés Ed. Lit.
Uncontrolled Keywords:ARANA MARTIJA, José Antonio; EUSKAL IDAZLEEN ELKARTEA; Música
Subjects:Sciences of Arts and Letters
ID Code:7171
Last Modified:11 May 2011 16:43

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