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El movimiento Romántico

Plaza Santiago, Francisco Javier de la (2002) El movimiento Romántico. Inx: Revisión del Arte Neoclásico y Romántico = Arte Neoklasiko eta Erromantikoaren berrikuspena = Révision de l'Art Néoclassique et Romantique. Ondare. Cuadernos de Artes Plásticas y Monumentales (21). Eusko Ikaskuntza, Donostia-San Sebastián, pp. 95-112.

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Official URL: http://www.euskomedia.org/analitica/117


Often considered as a tendency that appeared after Neo-classicism, Romanticism originated almost simultaneously and then developed, to a certain extent, as its counterpoint, as a reaction against the ideals of the Illustration. It emerged with a greater force in Northern countries, especially in Germany, which was not yet unified, and it quickly extended throughout Europe and America. Romanticism was to impulse a love forthe Middle Ages, especially the Gothic era, the recovery of popular traditions and local peculiarities, an absolute freedom in creative matters, individual genius, the exasperated primacy of feelings, dreams and passion, together with the contemplation of nature as a unfettered and immense force, the nostalgia of the infinite, the distant, the sublime, the sickly, and sometimes the macabre, ruins and fragments. More than a strictly aesthetic or artistic proposal, it is a style of living that encompasses all human manifestations and it impregnates in such depth that many of its postulates are still present between us.

Item Type:Book Section
Additional Information: Continuación de Cuadernos de Sección. Artes Plásticas y Monumentales
Uncontrolled Keywords:Arte; Romanticismo; Arte romántico
Subjects:Sciences of Arts and Letters > Fine arts theory, analysis and criticism
ID Code:71
Deposited On:06 May 2013 15:10
Last Modified:06 May 2013 15:10

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