La Asesoría Técnica en Folklore Vasco del Departamento de Cultura de Euzkadi (1936-1937)SEBASTIÁN GARCÍA, Lorenzo (2001) La Asesoría Técnica en Folklore Vasco del Departamento de Cultura de Euzkadi (1936-1937). Jentilbaratz. Cuadernos de Folklore (7). pp. 185-210. ISSN 1137-859X
Official URL: AbstractDuring the short existence of the Government of Euzkadi (1936-1937), within its Department of Culture a Section on Physical Education in Schools, wasset up connected to the Technical Office on Basque Folklore. Its objectives were to improve children's physical condition, the teaching of Basque, the conservation of folklore, to encourage artistic sensibility, and to inculcate the notion of pace. Because of its nationalist inspiration and because of the war, it became more of an anti-Franquist propaganda element and a tool for national construction.
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