Kantu herrikoiak ikastolan baliabide. Donostiako Karkizano kaleko ikastola, 1964-75EGAÑA GOYA, Miren (2001) Kantu herrikoiak ikastolan baliabide. Donostiako Karkizano kaleko ikastola, 1964-75. Jentilbaratz. Cuadernos de Folklore (7). pp. 105-118. ISSN 1137-859X
Official URL: http://www.euskomedia.org/analitica/5893 AbstractIn this paper we have tried to classify children songs and similars from the Ikastola in Karkizano street in Donostia (1951-75) studying the years 1964 to 1975. We have sorted the songs according to the different periods of the year. We have transcribed the most suitable ones or the difficult to be found. According to the school year we have sorted the songs into starting songs, carols, spring songs and Holy Communion; and according to the kind of song: children gesticulation songs, tongue twisters and others.
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