Iconografía musical de Navarra Merindad de Estella-1Alonso y García del Pulgar, Tomás and Napal Oteiza, Ángel (1991) Iconografía musical de Navarra Merindad de Estella-1. Cuadernos de Sección. Folklore (4). pp. 125-166. ISSN 0212-7547
Official URL: http://www.euskomedia.org/analitica/1112 AbstractThe compilation work started with the musical iconography of Tudela is now followed by the one of Estella and its surroundings. This study is a first instalment due to the great density of enclaves. The casuistic stated at that moment, obviously has not changed: everything related to the different artistic movements and their aesthetic consequences the personality and creative genius of the artist, as well as his technical capacity, which greatly influences in the morphological result of the instrument represented the state of the artistic heritage of Navarra. All this in some specific cases interferes in the identification work, this has to be taken into account when considering what has been stated in this first instalment. After this first instalment an other one will consider the regions which belong to that territory. To conclude we must point out that the percentage scales of the iconographic examples we gathered, clearly show a greater presence of stringphones, even though the increase of acrophones is quite clear in relation to the ones already described in the study about Tudela.
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