Euskal Herria gaiaren garapena XX. eta XXI. mendeetako testuliburuetanEzkurdia Arteaga, Gurutze (2008) Euskal Herria gaiaren garapena XX. eta XXI. mendeetako testuliburuetan. Inx: Hezkuntzaren Historia Euskal Herrian = Historia de la Educación en el País Vasco. Ikastaria. Cuadernos de Educación (16). Eusko Ikaskuntza, pp. 109-142. ISBN 978-84-8419-177-3
Official URL: AbstractIn this work we analyse how the subject of the Basque Country has been approached in XX and XXI century text books. The Basque Country is a territory, a community, a people. We analyse the content of the curriculum from a perspective of the socio-cultural reality. For this purpose, we have analysed the iconography and thetextual contents of the text books, focussing on the setting of the message.
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