La riqueza forestal e industrias derivadasElorrieta, Octavio (1919) La riqueza forestal e industrias derivadas. Inx: Primer Congreso de Estudios Vascos: recopilación de los trabajos de dicha asamblea, celebrada en la Universidad de Oñate del 1 al 8 de septiembre de 1918, bajo el patrocinio de las Diputaciones Vascas. Congresos de Estudios Vascos (1). Eusko Ikaskuntza, Donostia-San Sebastián, pp. 237-258.
Official URL: AbstractAbandonment of wooded properties is due to disorientation in matters of forestry economy, to the crisis which originated in the substitution of wood by iron and cement, to the development of the chemical industry, to cattle-raising interests and to the intrinsic difficulties of reforestation. Reforestation should therefore be a high priority in order to recover non productive lands which, as in Bizkaia, constitute three fifths of its reforested soil
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