Aproximación sociológica a los hábitos de lectura de la juventud vascaOlaziregi Alustiza, María José (2000) Aproximación sociológica a los hábitos de lectura de la juventud vasca. Oihenart. Cuadernos de Lengua y Literatura (18). pp. 79-93. ISSN 1137-4454
Official URL: http://www.euskomedia.org/analitica/1167 AbstractThe following article tries to summarise the sociological research that the author carried out for her doctoral thesis on the reading habits of Basque-speaking youths: Literature and Reading. From textual strategies to sociology in the literary universe of Bernardo Atxaga (1997). After some short considerations on the protagonism of reading in current society, the author presents the conclusions of the two surveys that she carried out in 1990 and in 1996 among 3,000 secondary education students.
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