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Personalidad y condición física

Sainz Varona, Rosa María (1992) Personalidad y condición física. Inx: La educación física en el País Vasco. Cuadernos de Sección. Educación (5). Eusko Ikaskuntza, pp. 107-130. ISBN 84-87471-43-9

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Official URL: http://www.euskomedia.org/analitica/231


1.420 people of both sexes, 763 boys and 657 girls, and of ages between 10 and 15, students of primary (EGB) and secondary (BUP) schools, from Vizcaya (Basque Country), have been given the "Hish School Personality Questionnaire" (HSPQ), to test the characteristics of personality, and the "Eurofit Batterie", with a view to analizing their physical fitness.The main conclusions reached are the following: those who enjoy good physical conditions are more affable, sociable and affectionate than those who don´t lack good physical conditions those who enjoy good physical conditions are more intelligent than those who do not those who enjoy good physical conditions are more concious and sensible, and they also stick to rules for more easily than those who do not enjoy good physical conditions. Finally, those lacking not good physical conditions are more insecure and apprehensive and with a feeling of culpability

Item Type:Book Section
Uncontrolled Keywords:Características físicas; Jóvenes; Euskal Herria; Bizkaia
ID Code:6711
Last Modified:11 May 2011 16:39

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