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Colección Documental del Archivo Histórico de Bilbao (1473-1500)

Enríquez Fernández, Javier and Hidalgo De Cisneros Amestoy, Concepción and Martínez Lahidalga, Adela (1999) Colección Documental del Archivo Histórico de Bilbao (1473-1500). Fuentes Documentales Medievales del País Vasco (95). Eusko Ikaskuntza, pp. 1-863. ISBN 84-8419-981-9

[img]Colección Documental del Archivo Histórico de Bilbao (1473-1500) - Requires a PDF viewer such as GSview, Xpdf or Adobe Acrobat Reader

Official URL: http://www.euskomedia.org/analitica/16151


This is the first volume to be published on unbound documentation from the Documental Collection of the Historical Municipal Archives of the City of Bilbao. More concretely, this volume contains the most ancient documentation, originated between 1300, date when the town received its "Fuero" (Special Statute) from Diego López de Haro, and 1473, which is the date of the last document from the reign of Henry IV. This is to be followed by another three volumes, which will be correlative in their chronology and pagination. The first of such volumes will correspond, albeit not completely, to the reign of Catholic Kings; and the two last volumes to the first years of the reign of Queen Juana and that of her son Don Carlos. In this way, the criterion adopted for the rest of the documentation from Bizkaia will be followed, that is, documentation up to 1520. Given the bad state of conservation of a large part of the documentation and particularly of most of the parchments, as consequence of the 1983 floods, it has been necessary to adopt new criteria when carrying out this work. Thus, since it has been impossible to transcribe an original, instead of recurring to the most ancient copy, the authors used the Libro Coplador de Privilegios (Compilation of Privileges) written in 1562 by the notary Diego de Olábarri. The Corregidor personally sanctioned this compilation. This is therefore a guarantee that they have been copied correctly. A homogeneous set of documents has therefore been obtained. Also, taking ancient catalogues as references, considerable effort has been devoted to reconstructing the Archive such and as it was before the afore-mentioned disast.

Item Type:Book
Uncontrolled Keywords:Documentación vasca; Bizkaia; Bilbao
Subjects:Anthropology > Ethnography and Ethnology
ID Code:6679
Last Modified:11 May 2011 16:39

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¹Esta fecha corresponde a los datos de catalogación, no al propio documento.