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Documentación medieval de los Archivos Municipales de Urretxu (1310-1516) y Zumarraga (1202-1518)

AYERBE IRÍBAR, María Rosa and SAN MIGUEL OSABA, Ana (2009) Documentación medieval de los Archivos Municipales de Urretxu (1310-1516) y Zumarraga (1202-1518). Fuentes Documentales Medievales del País Vasco (138). Eusko Ikaskuntza, p. 321. ISBN 978-84-8419-186-5

[img]Documentación medieval de los Archivos Municipales de Urretxu (1310-1516) y Zumarraga (1202-1518) - Requires a PDF viewer such as GSview, Xpdf or Adobe Acrobat Reader

Official URL: http://www.euskomedia.org/analitica/16122


The medieval town of Villarreal de Urrechua, and the modern town of Zumarraga, which are neighbours and share some common history have now published the documental bases of their historical past in a single volume. The oldest documentation is that conserved in Zumarraga (thanks to the fact that in the town council of Arería, to which it once belonged, the Fuero of San Sebastian was also in force), and in spite of being older it includes however a bigger wealth of original diplomas in parchments. In terms of chronological sequence, the wealthiest collection is that of Villarreal, which has conserved the legacy of their ancestors like few other Gipuzkoan towns have.

Item Type:Book
Uncontrolled Keywords:Documentación vasca; GIPUZKOA; URRETXU; ZUMARRAGA
Subjects:Anthropology > Ethnography and Ethnology
ID Code:6670
Last Modified:11 May 2011 16:39

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