Hacienda Real en Alava durante el siglo XVIII : conflictividad y reglamentaciónTorre Suberbiola, María Rosario de la (1992) Hacienda Real en Alava durante el siglo XVIII : conflictividad y reglamentación. Cuadernos de Sección. Historia-Geografía (19). pp. 79-95. ISSN 0212-6397
Official URL: http://www.euskomedia.org/analitica/109 AbstractA great number of historians and researchers have analysed (often, very seccessfully) the vested interests and problems arisen when it was decided to move the customs posts from Vitoria, Orduña and Valmaseda to the coast. In this essay we would like to approach this topic from a different point of view. To be exact, from the daily conflicts caused to the inhabitants of those exempted territories by the presence of those posts and their royal officers. We will take the province of Alava as the best example because it was here where their widespread influence was more well-konwn and relevant. The documents from those years offer us a wide range of incidents between them. Although most of them were nothing but insolated quarrels they allow us to trace, day by day, the strained relations between the local authorities and the Central Government, which were characteristic in the Basque society during the last centuries. In an attempt to establish norms for these aspects a legislative set of rules was passed under different names(Conventions, Acts, Regulations, ...) but always bearing in mind their main purpose to bring together to some extent, the special features relative to the fueros and measures which prevent those officers from going throungh the Basque border. Out of the above-mentioned bodies of laws, we would like to outline the contents of those four, whose weight and influeance on the life of this province was greater
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