Monumentos y esculturas en vía pública. Donostia-San SebastiánPeñalba Otaduy, Mauro (2002) Monumentos y esculturas en vía pública. Donostia-San Sebastián. Inx: Revisión del Arte Neoclásico y Romántico = Arte Neoklasiko eta Erromantikoaren berrikuspena = Révision de l'Art Néoclassique et Romantique. Ondare. Cuadernos de Artes Plásticas y Monumentales (21). Eusko Ikaskuntza, Donostia-San Sebastián, pp. 427-434.
Official URL: AbstractThe present communication is about the monuments and municipal sculptures located in the streets and squares that we can contemplate today, in the town of San Sebastian. To approach such works, we have established the following classification: a) Sculptures or monuments erected to people in recognition of their work or their personal characteristics. With such works, there is a lasting memory in the city of such people and/or their work by means of a monument that also contributes to embellish the town's streets and promemades. b) The sculptures placed in the town with the single finality of embellishing their gardens, streets and squares.
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