Kulturan Donostiatik Baionara aspaldiko eurohiria = Communauté de culture dans l'Eurocité Bayonne-Saint-SébastienPEILLEN KARRIKABURU, Txomin (2001) Kulturan Donostiatik Baionara aspaldiko eurohiria = Communauté de culture dans l'Eurocité Bayonne-Saint-Sébastien. Inx: Baiona-Donostia Euskal Eurohiriari buruzko gogoeta jardunaldiak = Journées de réflexion sur l'Eurocité Basque Bayonne-San Sebastián = Jornadas de reflexión sobre la Eurociudad Vasca Bayonne-San Sebastián. Azkoaga. Cuadernos de Ciencias Sociales y Económicas (11). Eusko Ikaskuntza, pp. 251-261. ISBN 84-8419-934-7
Official URL: http://www.euskomedia.org/analitica/6260 AbstractSuch as has been explained in the present article, migrations of labour and movements of political refugees (Carlists, Nationalists) that have taken place throughout history joined the population of Bayonne and San Sebastian in culture and language (Basque, Gascon, Castilian Spanish). More recently, transborder entities have been organised in the cultural field (Eusko Ikaskuntza, Euskaltzaindia) and various societies (AEK, the Ikastolas, Basque Writer Associations), radios and transborder television, have been set up. In the economic field, there are the relations between Trade Chambers and the agreements between Guipúzcoa and the district of Bayonne. From a geographical point of view, in reality, the two towns are becoming a single city.
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