Identité urbaine et importance de l'implication des citadins. Synthèse de la JournéeAPALATEGI IDIRIN, Ur (2001) Identité urbaine et importance de l'implication des citadins. Synthèse de la Journée. Inx: Baiona-Donostia Euskal Eurohiriari buruzko gogoeta jardunaldiak = Journées de réflexion sur l'Eurocité Basque Bayonne-San Sebastián = Jornadas de reflexión sobre la Eurociudad Vasca Bayonne-San Sebastián. Azkoaga. Cuadernos de Ciencias Sociales y Económicas (11). Eusko Ikaskuntza, pp. 63-66. ISBN 84-8419-934-7
Official URL: AbstractUr Apalategi, when summarising the session, divides the concerns of the participants into two groups. On one hand, there are those who analyse the current reality of the Bayonne-San Sebastian Eurocity (population, economy, etc.) and, on the other hand there are those who have the Eurocity itself as their objective. But for all of them the issue is how to go from technocratic voluntarism to the recognition of the population.
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