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La marisma en la ordenación del estuario del Deba

ALBIZU BEITIA, Isabel and AMEZAGA ARREGI, Ibone (2001) La marisma en la ordenación del estuario del Deba. Inx: Trabajos sobre Ordenación y Gestión del Territorio de Euskal Herria, 1. Azkoaga. Cuadernos de Ciencias Sociales y Económicas (8). Eusko Ikaskuntza, pp. 27-47.

[img]La marisma en la ordenación del estuario del Deba - Requires a PDF viewer such as GSview, Xpdf or Adobe Acrobat Reader

Official URL: http://www.euskomedia.org/analitica/6234


Since ancient times marshes have been used in various human activities (mainly in agricultural and urban activities) thus turning them at present into one of the scarcest and most deteriorated ecosystems in the Basque Country. This fact, together with the considerable ecological and landscape importance of such natural enclaves has led the Department of Environment of the Basque Government to spare no efforts in their conservation and recovery (Sectorial Territorial Plan for the Wet Zones in the Basque Autonomous Community). However, in the Deba estuary there is still a conflict of interests in the planning and management of the marshes: conservation as against destruction due to a new bridge that connects highways GI-638 and N-634.

Item Type:Book Section
Additional Information:Continuación de Cuadernos de Sección. Ciencias Sociales y Económicas.
Uncontrolled Keywords:Ordenación del territorio; Hidrografía
Subjects:Geography > Regional geography
Earth and Space Science > Hydrology
ID Code:6232
Last Modified:11 May 2011 16:37

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