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Julio Urkixo, euskalgintza anitzaren ispilu

LIZUNDIA ASCONDO, José Luis (2007) Julio Urkixo, euskalgintza anitzaren ispilu. Inx: El esfuerzo de tres épocas. Centenario de la RIEV 1907-2007. RIEV Cuadernos (1). Eusko Ikaskuntza, pp. 103-109. ISBN 978-84-8419-150-6

[img]Julio Urkixo, euskalgintza anitzaren ispilu - Requires a PDF viewer such as GSview, Xpdf or Adobe Acrobat Reader

Official URL: http://www.euskomedia.org/analitica/15082


This article shows the diversity of Julio de Urquijo's Basque cultural activity: 1. Before the creation of the RIEV; 2. Before the setting up of Eusko Ikaskuntza and Euskaltzaindia; 3. In the period between the wars. 4. Up to his death. Diversity from two points of view: 1. with respect to themes such as linguistics, paremiology, onomastics, folklore, the origin of the Basque language, archaeology, heraldry, etymology, music, literature, bibliography, commerce, etc. 2. with respect to ideological diversity, since he had excellent relations with many politicians and intellectuals with different opinions although he was a traditionalist.

Item Type:Book Section
Uncontrolled Keywords:Urquijo Ybarra, Julio; Biografía
Subjects:History > Biographies
ID Code:5127
Deposited On:28 Jul 2010 09:56
Last Modified:28 Jul 2010 10:02

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