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La recreación del aislamiento (o sobre el amparo de RIEV a los estudios sobre el pensamiento, el comportamiento y la sociedad)

CRUZ AYUSO, Cristina de la (2007) La recreación del aislamiento (o sobre el amparo de RIEV a los estudios sobre el pensamiento, el comportamiento y la sociedad). Inx: El esfuerzo de tres épocas. Centenario de la RIEV 1907-2007. RIEV Cuadernos (1). Eusko Ikaskuntza, pp. 49-56. ISBN 978-84-8419-150-6

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Official URL: http://www.euskomedia.org/analitica/15080


This text includes a motion presented in 2007 coinciding with the centenary of RIEV in which an analysis is made of the contributions contained in it between 1983 and 2003 in the fields of Psychiatry, Psychology, Philosophy and Sociology. In this work an attempt is made to underline how these contributions are proof of the will to consolidate certain guidelines of the journal, which it has maintained since its beginnings, in 1907, like the characteristics of internationalisation, an interdisciplinary outlook and diversification.

Item Type:Book Section
Uncontrolled Keywords:Sociología; Filosofía; Psicología
ID Code:5125
Deposited On:28 Jul 2010 09:56
Last Modified:28 Jul 2010 10:01

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