Bertrand d' Echaux et le journal de HéroardDaranatz, Jean Baptiste (1911) Bertrand d' Echaux et le journal de Héroard. Revista Internacional de los Estudios Vascos = Revue Internationale des Etudes Basques (5). pp. 48-55.
Official URL: AbstractBiography of Bertrand d'Echaux, who was born in Baigorry in 1556 or 1557. Part of his life is reported in the "Journal de Jean Hroard sur l' enfance et la jeunesse de Louis XIII" (Diary of Jean Hroard on the childhood and youth of Louis XIII". Jean Hroard was the appointed physician of the Henry IV's son that was later to become King Louis XIII. The author reports on all the incidents, mores, and the education of the heir to the throne. Bertrand d' Echaux is mentioned in the diary on several occasions, which have been compiled in this article
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