La iglesia católica ante el lienzo de plata. Iniciativas bilbaínas para el buen uso del cinematógrafo (1927-1935)ANSOLA GONZÁLEZ, Txomin (2006) La iglesia católica ante el lienzo de plata. Iniciativas bilbaínas para el buen uso del cinematógrafo (1927-1935). Inx: Formas de religiosidad e identidades. Zainak. Cuadernos de Antropología-Etnografía (28). Eusko Ikaskuntza, Donostia-San Sebastián, pp. 293-308. ISBN 978-84-8419-045-5
Official URL: AbstractThe expansion of the cinematographer forged the Catholic Church to reformulate its reputed pronouncements against it. Thus, as from the second half of the 1920s it began to distinguish between the use and abuse of cinematographic performances. This change, promoted my secular sectors, enjoyed a noteworthy protagonism in Bilbao, which crystallised in the publication of two small works, the edition of a magazine and the opening of a cinematographer.
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