Ideologiak Lore Jokoetako kantuetanHARITSCHELHAR DUHALDE, Jean Gratien (1998) Ideologiak Lore Jokoetako kantuetan. Inx: Antoine d'Abbadie 1897-1997: Congrés International = Ezhoiko kongresua. Eusko Ikaskuntza Euskaltzaindia, Donostia-San Sebastián, pp. 621-653. ISBN 84-89516-71-5
Official URL: AbstractUpon analysing the compositions which correspond to the 1853 to 1897 period, that is to say, to the times when Antoine d'Abbadie was still alive and the poets could choose their own topics, it was possible to observe, in general, exactly what they had in mind and heart and what they wanted to express. I introduce the first of these topics under the title "Euskaldun fededun". Christianity has had a great predicament in the Basque Country and in many of the poems, their authors appeal to God the Father, the Virgin Mary or to Jesus Christ. The romantic era in the Basque Country still survives and the desperation, disease, death, orphanhood, and also love, whether happy or adverse,. are mentioned. The rural environment is exalted: the hamlet, the property, the owner of the house, the worker in the fields, the village and its inhabitants (professionals and others), the vi1lage festivities (music, dance, dances, Bertsolaris), the nostalgia created by the distances from the natal terrain. Politics also show up in these compositions: the Empire and its wars until 1870, its right-wing anti-republican position thereafter (1870-1879) and when they show up in the peninsular Basque Country, the topics used are History, the heightening of the Basques, their own language and language-consciousness and finally after the "Laurak bat", the proclamation of the motto "Zazpiak bat" in the 90s.
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