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Mr. d'Abbadie eta Arana Jose Inazio

ALTUNA BENGOECHEA, Patxi (1998) Mr. d'Abbadie eta Arana Jose Inazio. Inx: Antoine d'Abbadie 1897-1997: Congrés International = Ezhoiko kongresua. Eusko Ikaskuntza Euskaltzaindia, Donostia-San Sebastián, pp. 579-584. ISBN 84-89516-71-5

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José Ignacio, a Jesuit born in Azkoitia, "one of the greatest bibliographers in the 19th century" in the opinion of José Antonio Arana Martija, was a staunch friend of Antoine d'Abbadie for almost 25 years. He sent d’Abbadie almost 100 letters and the latter answered with about 60. Furthermore, they managed to meet in three or four occasions. In Arana’s vast work, EGUNARIA, that I have used, there is no mention on the content of such correspondence, as he only occasionally comments that he has received a letter or that he has written one. He was, without doubt, one of D'ABBADIE's most habitual correspondents.

Item Type:Book Section
Additional Information: Eusko Ikaskuntza. Ezhoiko kongresua Euskaltzaindia. XIV. Biltzarra
Uncontrolled Keywords:Arana, José Ignacio; Abbadie, Antoine Thompson de; Biografía
Subjects:History > Biographies
ID Code:3994
Deposited On:03 Oct 2008 17:14
Last Modified:03 Oct 2008 19:59

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