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1844-1853, Lapurteraz idatzitako gutunak

EGAÑA GOYA, Miren (1998) 1844-1853, Lapurteraz idatzitako gutunak. Inx: Antoine d'Abbadie 1897-1997: Congrés International = Ezhoiko kongresua. Eusko Ikaskuntza Euskaltzaindia, Donostia-San Sebastián, pp. 493-502. ISBN 84-89516-71-5

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Official URL: http://www.euskomedia.org/analitica/10528


The purpose of our work is to give notice about some private letters, written between 1844 and 1853. These letters are written in Basque from Labourd and were sent to a man from Ziburu working on a ship. We found the letters in the Archives in St. Pierre et Miquelon, a French island to the south of Newfoundland, surrounded by Canadian waters. Jean Pierre Echepare’s family and friends wrote these letters to inform about goods they were sending to him, about the family health situation, thanking for money they had sent and so on... The letters were well conserved in 1991 when received photocopies. The following year, a fire broke out and destroyed the archives. We do not know whether the letters survived the fire.

Item Type:Book Section
Additional Information: Eusko Ikaskuntza. Ezhoiko kongresua Euskaltzaindia. XIV. Biltzarra
Uncontrolled Keywords:Lingüística
ID Code:3986
Deposited On:03 Oct 2008 17:13
Last Modified:03 Oct 2008 19:59

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