Antoine d'Abbadie d'Arrast et la musiqueMOREL BOROTRA, Natalie (1998) Antoine d'Abbadie d'Arrast et la musique. Inx: Antoine d'Abbadie 1897-1997: Congrés International = Ezhoiko kongresua. Eusko Ikaskuntza Euskaltzaindia, Donostia-San Sebastián, pp. 223-230. ISBN 84-89516-71-5
Official URL: AbstractAntoine d'Abbadie's interest for music during his youth is demonstrated by the fact that he adjusted or copied a method for musical stenography. With the setting-up of the floral games, music manifests itself in a secondary way at first, through its performance in the songs of the prize-winning poems (by a solo singer or a group and, exceptionally, in 1856, by the Lionnet brothers on a melody taken down by D. Alard). In 1874, one of the first Basque melody books is published. This book contains a melody which was passed on (after an exchange of correspondence to when we have had access) by A. dAbbadie to P. Lamazou, a tenor from Bearn who was well-known in Paris for his arrangements of "pyreneaic songs".
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